
Aditya Chinchure

Multimodal Learning @ UBC | Photography

👋 Hello there!

I am a PhD student at the Computer Vision Lab at University of British Columbia with Dr. Leonid Sigal and Dr. Vered Shwartz. I work on vision-language reasoning, including video reasoning, and bias & fairness in AI. Previously, I completed my Masters at UBC. I was also an intern at Borealis AI, working with Dr. Fred Tung.

In addition, I am a photographer in the city. I enjoy doing landscape, urban, and product photography. My work has over 100 million views on Unsplash. You can find my latest photos on Instagram.

If you are reading this, I would love to talk to you! I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate. Also, my inbox is open if you have any questions about student life at UBC or Vancouver. Message me on Instagram or send me an email.


🗞️ News

📚 Publications

TIBET: Identifying and Evaluating Biases in Text-to-Image Generative Models
Aditya Chinchure*, Pushkar Shukla*, Gaurav Bhatt, Kiri Salij, Kartik Hosanagar, Leonid Sigal, Matthew Turk (* equal)
Accepted at ECCV 2024
arXiv | Website

From Local Concepts to Universals: Evaluating the Multicultural Understanding of Vision-Language Models
Mehar Bhatia, Sahithya Ravi*, Aditya Chinchure*, Eunjeong Hwang, Vered Shwartz (* equal)

Visual Question Answering with Contextualized Commonsense Knowledge [Masters Thesis]
Aditya Chinchure
UBC Library

VLC-BERT: Visual Question Answering with Contextualized Commonsense Knowledge
Sahithya Ravi*, Aditya Chinchure*, Leonid Sigal, Renjie Liao, Vered Shwartz (* equal)
Accepted at WACV 2023
arXiv | Code

Refinement Architectures for Referring Image Segmentation [Honours Thesis]
Aditya Chinchure

LEAP: Private and Federated Data Analysis for Healthcare
Matheus Stolet, Chris Yoon, Kalli Leung, Aditya Chinchure, Mathias Lécuyer, Aline Talhouk, Ivan Beschastnikh
Poster at Emerging Technologies: BC’s AI Showcase, organized by UBC’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action (CAIDA)

📑 Reviewing

I have reviewed several papers for: TPAMI 2022, TPAMI 2023, CVPR 2024, ECCV 2024, TPAMI 2024

👨‍💻 Work

PhD Student, Computer Vision Lab at UBC Computer Science
Vancouver | May 2024 - Present
Working on multimodal vision-language models, commonsense reasoning, bias and fairness.

Research Intern, Borealis AI, RBC
_Vancouver | September 2022 - March 2023
Worked on event time-series representation learning with transformers.

Graduate Research Assistant, Computer Vision Lab at UBC Computer Science
Vancouver | May 2022 - April 2024
Visual Question Answering with external commonsense knowledge.

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Vision Lab at UBC
Vancouver | May 2020 - August 2020
Structured attention for vision-text transformer models to improve image grounding.

Undergraduate Research Assistant, LEAP Project at UBC Computer Science
Vancouver | May 2020 - August 2020
Backend (RedCap Data) projects for LEAP, a differential privacy-focused federated ML platform.

Machine Learning Engineer (Co-op), Hypercontext (prev. SoapBox)
Toronto | May 2019 - August 2019
Developed machine learning models for text classification, sentiment analysis and entity recognition using PyTorch, and RASA NLU. This work is used in the Meeting Insights feature of the product!

Junior Software Developer (Co-op), AppNeta
Vancouver | September 2018 – April 2019
Worked in a team of eight to scale up our application for cloud deployments.

👨‍🎓 Education

PhD in Computer Vision and NLP
The University of British Columbia | 2024 onwards
Four Year Fellowship (4YF) Recipient

MSc. in Computer Science
The University of British Columbia | 2021 - 2024

BSc. Honours in Computer Science
The University of British Columbia | 2016 - 2021 | GPA: 88%
International Student – Faculty of Science Scholarship & Dean’s Honour List

📸 Other